Sponsorship Opportunities
200+ Attendees + 1400 Active Community Leaders + Social Media Promotion
Sponsorship Packages:
Kelso Park - Lunch Sponsor - $5000
Along with exclusive branding opportunity at our lunch venue, this package includes:
Sponsored networking lounge.
Breakfast Sponsor - $1000
This package includes:
1. Logo placement within promotional material and on media wall at the venue.
2. Stall placement at House of friendship.
3. Two VIP sponsor passes.
Afternoon Tea Sponsor - $1000
This package includes:
1. Logo placement within promotional material and on media wall at the venue.
2. Stall placement at House of friendship.
3. Two VIP sponsor passes.
Corporate Sponsorships – Min Value $ 500
This package includes:
1. Logo placement within promotional material and on media wall at the venue.
2. Stall placement at House of friendship.
3. One VIP sponsor passes.
Community Sponsorships – Min Value $250
Want to Sponsor?
Melodie Mensch, Marketing and Sponsorship
Sohail Naseer, District Governor
Nancy Koebel, DisCon Committee Chair
Sohail Naseer, District Governor
Melodie Mensch, Marketing and Sponsorship
Kathi Dick, DisCon Advisor
Timothy Whitehead, MC
- Bill Proctor, Conference Registrar
- Jacob Lumgair, Event Communications
- Rod McLachlan, Event Communications
Wale Osamiluyi, House of Friendship & Project Showcase
- Ries Boers
- Rubina Ali
- Jananee Savuntharanthan
- Sheila Welham