Interact Events
District 7080 has 24 Chartered Interact clubs and 2 non chartered clubs. Our Interact membership is over 250 strong, young, energetic and outgoing young adults. We span a large area from Ingersoll, Kitchener, Guelph, Burlington, Oakville, Brampton, Fergus and Peel regions.
Our First event was the Interact Social held at Morning Star Middle School. It was held on April 8, 2016 from 5 to 8pm. With over 220+ attended by students, teachers and Rotarians coming from 13 different Interact clubs was a great way to meet and share ideas from other Interactors. We had all 4 District governors attending this event, DG Pugh, DGE Proctor, DGN Kathi, DGND Gilvesy along with ADG Cam and Youth Chair Broeders. The Mayoral representative Ashley came to send greeting from the Mayor. Along with a Morning star Steelband, Region of Peel officers and guest speakers, Rotary Youth Exchange Betty Jo and RYLA & Rotaract Chris-Beth, it was a huge success.
Our Second event was the Interact Gala held at the Old Barber House. It was held on April 15, 2016 from 6-11pm. 105 attended by students, teachers and Rotarians and all of the Rotary Youth Exchange students coming from over 10 Interact clubs and 10 different countries. We had DG Pugh, DGE Proctor, Youth Chair Broeders, ADG Cam, Chair RYE Rajeev, RYE Parent, RYLA & Rotaract Ameer all coming to support our Interactors with great speeches. This Gala was a fundraiser to support the “Rotary hospital in Uganda” and raised $555 towards this initiative. With a DJ, Photo booth, dancing and a group of hard, working and dedicated young adults was a celebration for them for the huge success they have accomplished through the year. All Decorations were donated by Posh Styling and a HUGE thank you to the Gala and Social committee for making this a wonderful event.
These two events were a first for the District and were very successful. A perfect way to celebrate a year of “Service above self” by helping community through singing, community dinners, food drives, planting trees, care packages. We have a Facebook account: Come take a look to see what our Interact clubs have been doing throughout the year. Thank you all for your time and effort and wish best success for the coming year.