Will your Club qualify for District and/or Global Grants this year?

There have been a number of changes this year to the requirements for clubs to qualify for District and Global grants.  Make sure your Club will be qualified to apply for District and/or Global grants this year!  
  1. CHANGE.  At least two active members must be qualified in order for the Club to be qualified; the previous requirement was for one active member.  There are no changes to the requirements for member qualification.  In order to be qualified, an active member must complete the Grant Management Seminar (GMS) or, if GMS was completed in a previous year, the member must complete the Grant Management Recertification (GMR) course for the current year.  The member must also complete D7080’s Foundation Qualification Training (FQT) webinar.  Both the Grant Management Seminar and the 2022-23 Grant Management Recertification courses are available now in the My Rotary Learning Centre, and can be completed at your convenience.  To access the GMS/GMR courses, go to My Rotary | My Rotary,  sign in, then click on Learning & Reference and select Learning Center.   The D7080 Foundation Qualification Training webinar will be offered via ZOOM on two dates:  Thursday November 10th at 7p.m. and Saturday January 14th at 10 a.m.  Registration for the FQT webinar on November 10th is now open on the District website at Foundation Qualification Training | Rotary District 7080 (rotary7080.org).  Club members need to attend only one of the FQT webinars.  


  1. NEW.  The Club’s Foundation Chair’s name must be entered in both D7080 Clubrunner and RI’s My Rotary.  To enter your Club’s Foundation Chair into Clubrunner, go to the District website and click on Member Login.  Login to Clubrunner, then go the Member Area.  Click on For Clubs, then select Define Club Executives.  You can then add the Foundation Chair’s name to the list of club executives.  If you’re already logged into Clubrunner, just click on this link:  Club Executives and Directors | Rotary District 7080 (clubrunner.ca).  To enter your Club’s Foundation Chair into My Rotary, go to My Rotary | My Rotary,  sign in, then click on Manage, hover your cursor over Club and District Administration, and select Club Administration.  Under Club & Member Data > Update Member Data, click on Add, edit, remove club officers.  You can then add the Foundation Chair’s name to the list of Club Officers. 


  1.  NEW.  The Club’s Rotary Foundation giving goals must be entered in Rotary Club Central.  To enter your Club’s Foundation goals into Rotary Club Central, go to My Rotary | My Rotary,  sign in, then click on Manage, hover your cursor over Club and District Administration, and select Rotary Club Central.  Your Club’s Dashboard will be displayed.  Click on Goal Center on the menu displayed on the lefthand side of the screen, then select Rotary Foundation Giving.  You can now enter your Club’s goals for Annual Fund contributions, PolioPlus Fund contributions, major gifts, Bequest Society members and Benefactors.
  1. NEW.  The Club must be in good standing, with no outstanding District or RI dues, and with no overdue grant project reports.


  1. NO CHANGE. Signed Memorandum of Understanding to be sent to the D7080 Foundation Committee.  Once two active members of your Club have qualified and the other club qualification requirements have been met, you can download the 2022-23 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) from the District website.  Print, sign and scan the signed MOU, then e-mail the scanned copy of the MOU to foundation@rotary7080.org.   
Submitted by Ingrid Sproxton
D7080 Foundation Committee