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Environmental Projects Within Rotary
Rotary projects can address many different aspects of environmental protection. Here is a sample of recent projects that have been planned or executed by members of District 7080. Additional projects are sure to follow now that the environment is an official Area of Focus for Rotary.
Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup

More than 22 million pounds (10 million kilograms) of trash and plastic pollution ends up in the Great Lakes each year. Trash, plastics, and other littered items plague our waterways.
Planting For Our Future

On October 3rd, 2020, The Rotary Club of Georgetown organized and led an ambitious project to plant 2020 trees along the Hungry Hollow Trail network in Halton Hills. This initiative, “Planting For Our Future,” was part of the club’s goal to positively impact the natural environment of our town for generations while recognizing the club's 65th Anniversary.
Rotary Club of Cambridge Sunrise Adopt-a-Road Clean-up

On Saturday, July 18th, 2020 ten (10) members of The Rotary Club of Cambridge Sunrise undertook a road clean-up on Franklin Boulevard between Can-Amera Parkway and Avenue Road in Cambridge as part of the Region of Waterloo’s Adopt-a-Road Program.