Ideas to find more volunteers
April is Volunteer Month, when we recognize and thank people who generously give of their time and talents.
As members in our club age, face health challenges or move, it becomes harder and harder to find enough volunteers to carry out the different fundraising events we host. Volunteers become a vital component in these events and we all want to make sure we raise the funds to support the community.
In talking to other service clubs, like Optimists and Lions Clubs, we are not alone in this dilemma and as discussed during one of those conversations, maybe there is a way we can help each other by partnering up to deliver the events. We help them out and in return, they lend a hand at an event Rotary is hosting.
Another strategy is to recruit volunteers who just want to help with an event, like a Ribfest, without having to join your club, although maybe if they have enough fun, they will.
Young high school students have to submit 40 hours of community service and the local girl guide or scout troops may be interested in helping too. What about university students, our Rotaract members. Getting young people involved helps build our future Rotarians.
Scheduling and monitoring volunteers is a big role, one that needs to be undertaken by one or two people who are diligent at checking in, following up and at the end of the event, saying thank you.
Submitted by Anne Day
Rotary Club of Guelph Trillium