Are you a long-term Member of Rotary currently serving as a Board Member or Club Director and want to brush up on your duties? Or are you taking on a new role on the Board?
Are you a new Member of Rotary and have been asked to become a Board Member in your Club but don’t know exactly what you will have to know for this job?
There is no need to worry, you will get the answers at this year’s Club Leadership Training (CLT) organized by the District Training Committee.
You may wonder why Rotarians need training for the different Club Leadership positions? This is easy to answer: Since we all want to be effective leaders and make a difference in our communities and the World, we need to know the same basics. By following Rotary International’s vision statements and goals, our clubs and Rotary become stronger and more unified.
This invitation to attend any or all of the CLT sessions is extended to YOU, long-term member or new member of Rotary, incoming or current Board Member. We hope to give you some inspiration and new ideas on how to be an effective Club Leader.
Starting on Saturday, April 2, 2022 at 9:00 am with the welcome message by our DGE Sandhya Maini, we have an exciting series of sessions covering all Club Executive and Director roles. Most sessions will be an hour long and will be conducted by experience Rotary leaders from the District. During these sessions your questions and concerns about the various roles will be discussed and you will benefit greatly from the interaction with fellow Club Leaders.
Click HERE to see descriptions of all sessions and to access the links to register. You are required to register for each session in advance and after your registration you will be sent a Zoom link for each of the sessions you want to attend.
Sign up for one, two or however many you want. A few sessions have been previously recorded and will be available to watch on demand. And the best part, this entire series of training sessions comes at NO cost for D7080 Members.
On behalf of the District Training Committee, we look forward to seeing you all at the sessions.