Conflict prevention and resolution is a key leadership skill in either business or Rotary, because is is not always easy to deal with differences of opinion.
Does conflict offer Chances for Change or Challenges to the Way we Think? Do we look at it as a challenge or an opportunity to learn?
Differences of opinion are a part of being human. Thinking differently is an important part of life, so we need to learn to benefit from it. When dealing with this issue, always look for ways to deal with these differences.
Can conflict be a good thing? We cannot have positie change without it. If we all thought and did the same, how would we ever move forward to make any improvements. So see conflict as an opportunity to learn and make better decisions.
Talk too each other and not about each other. Don't take anything personally. Look for diversity of perspective and opinion to grow and succeed with a strong leadership team, moving forward together.
Deal with opinions positively and learn how to work in a non-confrontational way. Senior leaders also need to have same commitment to conflict resolution and training, as others.
Often goals are the same, even though people may be on two different sides. So look for common goals and start from there.
Conflict is a key membership issue for Rotary. A member may not get support for an idea or a club may do someting a member doesn't agree with. At the root of this conflict is how and how soon we handle the differences. This directly affects on how we react
Find common goals to find common solutions or resolution. Build strong links between planning, developing, discussion and building concensus.
Strategic planning is an excellent team builder and this activity can help build agreement and avoid conflict
The best conflict resolution skill is to listen to views of others without judgement, asking what "we" can do for the betterment of our group. Leave out the "you".
Communication needs to be HOT - Honest - Open - Two-way. We all need to care, so teach our children to be caring. If people learn to hate, they can learn to care and love one another
Remember to use the Rotary Four Way Test as the fabulous tool it is!
PS - I have a Workship Powerpoint for a session that followed this speech, presented at the Hartford Zone Institute by the late PRG Don Evan myself. Happy to share.
....Even though the video may be poor, the message and audio are excellent.
Submitted By Doug Vincent