Mark Your Calendars for PETS

Dear President’s and President’s Elects ,
The time has come to plan for the new Rotary year starting from 1st July 2024, in this regard the District 7080 has planned for the President’s Elect Training sessions as under:
PETS 1 Saturday 03rd February 2024
PETS 2 Saturday 09th March 2024
Presidents Elects are requested to please mark the days in your calendar and be ready to start your journey forward in Rotary. The location and time will be confirmed later.
It was very encouraging to note that about 40 members attended the Rotary Leadership Institute that was held on 21st October in Milton .
My request to all the Club Presidents and President Elects is to please update the Club Website and please provide contact information at the email addresses as below:
Yours in Rotary,
Sohail Naseer
DGE Rotary District 7080