Fellow Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Interactors,
Rotary International’s Vision Statement starts with the word “Together.” The statement’s main message is that “Together People Create Change!” The COVID-19 pandemic had a huge toll on the entire world and changed the way that people work together.
Bringing Rotarians together with local communities increases our presence and our impact in those communities. By working together with community leaders, local corporations, and municipalities we become an integral part of our community and people would be more encouraged to be a part of this wonderful thing called Rotary.
RI President Shekhar Mehta, in his message for membership growth, has asked “Each One, Bring One.” The idea is that each Rotarian should invite at least one guest to a Rotary meeting. If one in ten of these guests ends up joining Rotary, then we would reach his goal of 1.3 million Rotarians by the end of this Rotary year. On the other hand, together, we must work on making new members’ experience in Rotary a positive and inclusive one, so that they are happy and are also bringing their friends to see what Rotary is all about.
My personal theme for the upcoming Rotary year centres around our vision in that together, as people of action, we strive to achieve the strategic priorities in our action plan, do the best that we can within our seven areas of focus, and to be open, welcoming, equitable, and inclusive to each and everyone in our awesome District so that together, we can “Serve to Change Lives!” That is why I have chosen the theme: “Together, we are Rotary!”
With the vaccination drive going strong, and opening plans coming together within the next few months, there will be many challenges as we move towards more in-person meetings and events, and keep in mind that we need alternative plans in case we return to more strict conditions. We are planning on an in-person conference in collaboration with our diverse multi-cultural community.
COVID-19 opened opportunities for creating new ways to interact and fundraise, the lessons learned, and the experience gained can be used to create ways in which we can work together in supporting those who are most vulnerable; as well as collaborate with local businesses, foodbanks, hospitals, municipalities, and many more to serve those in need. Now that most Rotarians have embraced online tools and some understand how the technology works, together, those who are still weary about meeting in person can continue to work with their local clubs and communities and are also included in running their clubs.
Instead of individual club visits, we shall be getting together for Cluster Celebrations where Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Interactors in each cluster can work together to showcase their cluster, projects and achievements. I will also be available to visit clubs individually to celebrate together special events and presentations. I encourage clusters to invite their families and the local community and to use this as a Public Relations opportunity to promote Rotary throughout your cluster.
Wishing you all a most awesome Rotary year ahead and looking forward to meeting each and every one of you at our Cluster Celebrations and at Club, Cluster, and District Events.
Yours in Rotary,
Rudy Habesch
District Governor 2021-22
Rotary District 7080