District Awards
The 7080 District Awards are intended to recognize some of the many significant contributions that are quietly and selflessly being made by dedicated Rotarians and Rotary Partners. In order to make sure we know about these important contributions – we need your nominations.
Attached in both Word and PDF is an outline of the District 7080 Awards, the criteria for each, and the nomination form. Please share this with your Board and discuss it with your members. We are looking for your help in identifying worthy recipients from within our District.
You can also download the District Awards and Nomination Form by clicking this PDF link or this Word link.
The nomination deadline is March 31, 2023
Rotary International Awards
There are also a number of recognition awards and certificates available through Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation. It is well worth considering worthy candidates for these Awards. A complete overview of recognition available through Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation can be found on My Rotary at the link rotary.org/awards Please note you should log into My Rotary first, and then click on the link.
One of the Rotary International Awards is the “Avenues of Service Award”. Club presidents are invited to use this form to nominate a member for achievement in one or more of the five Rotary Avenues of Service (Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service, International Service, and Youth Service). Nominations from the Club President are forwarded to the District Governor, who reviews the nomination and presents a certificate to recognized members. If a member is recognized in all five areas of service, they will receive a special crystal award from Rotary International.
The District Awards Committee looks forward to receiving your nominations!
Yours in Rotary
Kathi Dick, PDG
District 7080 Awards Committee Chair!