The Christmas Hamper Program by Shelburne Rotary 

We are very proud of our community and local service clubs!
The Shelburne Christmas Hamper Program starts the planning process in September of each year to make sure that Shelburne families get the assistance they need for, what can be, a very difficult time of year. It culminates the Saturday before Christmas on Hamper Distribution Day.
This program is coordinated by Rotary and has been in existence in Shelburne for well over 50 years. When I was given the privilege of coordinating this program in 2013, who would have known the challenges that the next years would bring? But with each obstacle more and more volunteers and supporters rose to the challenge to make sure that we could provide for the growing need. The program assisted just 60 families in 2014; in 2021 that has grown to 163 families that receive food, toys and gift cards for the holiday season. We aren’t always perfect and we learn each year what we could do better for next year, but the gratitude I feel for the sorters, carriers, deliverers, toy helpers and distributors who come together for the last days of the hamper program is overwhelming. Thank you so very much!
In 2013 there were approximately 30 companies, organizations and individuals that donated to the program and in 2021, there are more than 150 generous supporters. They all deserve recognition and a HUGE thank you for their support.
Shelburne Rotary in partnership with the local food bank, the municipality, Kinsmen, Lions and many businesses, organizations and individuals certainly created many smiles for the holiday season and absolutely “served to change lives”.

Submitted by Bobbi Ferguson 
Rotary Club of Shelburne