District 7080 Manual of Policy & Procedures 

To all District Presidents and District Directors,
I am the District 7080 Manual of Policy & Procedures (MOPPP) Chair with Rotarian Lawrence Leung, PDG Lesley Barmania, PDG John Stairs, and PDG Bill Proctor all kindly offering to assist on the respective committee. 
It is time to review and update if necessary the attached  D7080 MANUAL OF DISTRICT POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND PRACTICES.  Accordingly, please review respective sections of the Manual that apply to you and/or your role/committee and advise if you do OR do not propose changes ... and if so, please forward to me and/or the other committee members before December 18, 2023.
Your attention to this matter is appreciated so that we can meet deadlines for executing changes.  Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for Creating Hope in the World!
Best Regards,
PDG John Gilvesy,
519-688-8049 (cell)