The role of vocational services in the Rotary world
Rotarian Sunil Sharma and his Family are visiting Kolkata, India these days. Sunil is the Immediate Past President of the Rotary Club of Brampton South and District Chair for vocational services 2022-23. His wife, Usha Sharma, is a spouse member of the club. On their travels, Sunil and Usha had an opportunity to meet with Rotary International Immediate Past President Shekhar Mehta on February 13, 2023. He also happened to be the keynote guest speaker in the District 7080’s Vocational Service Speaker Series Webinars.
This meeting provided a chance to discuss the role of vocational services in the Rotary world. There was a discourse on global collaboration and building vocational ties between Rotary clubs, districts, and various organizations at a global level.
The meeting was very productive. It can be looked at as an opportunity to create a relationship between Rotarians of Canada and India especially to share expertise through our networks or to participate in vocation-related Rotary friendship exchange programs.
Submitted by Kiranjit Duggal
Rotary Club of Brampton South