Several of us from our District recently drove down to Hershey, Pennsylvania to attend the Tri-District Conference.
It was the first in-person gathering of its size in some time and it was exciting to be meeting people face-to-face, especially because you knew they were like-minded and wanted to talk about Rotary.
I suspect they had selected their speakers with care, as the emphasis was on resiliency and how we are a lot stronger together, which given the past two years with COVID, makes sense. It was a message we all needed to hear.
A Four-Way Test contest was held with the two winners, both high school students presenting their winning talks. These impressive young teens gave us plenty to think about and their presentations were impactful.
But as well as the presentations, it was the opportunity to network and meet up with fellow Rotarians that was such a pleasure. Just meeting and talking to new people and exchanging ideas made for a rich experience.
And that’s what we are planning for our District Conference on May 28.
The day will be less about training and more about connecting with one another. We have two inspiring, thought-provoking speakers to start us off – with Dr. “Bowtie” Jenkins and Neil Dunsmore and then some fun with The Making the Box team. Plenty of time has been scheduled for participants to mix and mingle and connect with one another. I am confident you will leave with at least one new idea or practical solution to use back at your club.
It’s not too late to register, and I’d love to meet and see you there.