Rotary attracts members from all walks of life, different professions and careers, all lending their expertise to a common cause – service above self.
The premise of Vocational Services, the theme for January, is that through our vocations we serve others and practice to high ethical standards. One way to serve others is through a mentoring program, through which a new member is matched with a more experienced one, to learn more about Rotary and what it is all about.
At the Guelph Trillium Club we have a mentoring program, and in addition to matching up members, we provide a checklist of information to be shared as a way to focus the discussions and provide a learning experience for both the mentor and the mentee.
We’re also looking at matching members with Rotaract members, but to focus on their career goals, and help them move forward with their studies and future careers.
Rotary Passport Club South has been running a mentorship program for two years now, each year involving six mentees and mentors. Jananee Savuntharanathan has championed the program and reports that they’ve had a good mix of young and experienced professionals. “We saw within the club how great the mix had been and for many of the Rotaractors that joined our club, including myself, we identified that mentorship for Rotaract was a component that had been missing for years in our area. “
Her advice to any club wanting to start a mentorship program, is to identify what type of mentorship program you would like to create. “There are various forms of mentorship and I would look at the strengths of your club members, the commitment level your club is able to give and your club's goals. “
In the October 2021 issue of Rotary, a useful article outlined the do’s and don’t of mentoring, and recommended that a mentoring contract be drawn up, detailing the goals, frequency of meetings and how long the mentoring will last. It works best if the day, time and location are also set.
One expert cautioned that we don’t match like with like, such as people with the same personality style. She added “By matching across differences, there can be a lot of learning and new perspectives.”
Plato once said “what is honoured in a country, is cultivated there” and to that end, the Guelph Trillium Club presents the Peter Moore Vocational Services Award to one of its members every January. The award honours a member who uses their vocational skills, contacts and talents to helping youth, the community or other charities outside of Rotary.
Perhaps your club could launch a similar award as a way to stimulate and encourage members to mentor others and share their vocational skills.
At Rotary our goal is to bring change in the world. Mentoring is how “change happens, one gesture, one person, one moment in time.”
Submitted by Anne Day
Rotary Club of Guelph Trillium