Conflict in Israel and Gaza

We are saddened by the continuing loss of lives and destruction and express our deep concern surrounding the escalating violence and the worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza and the region. Peacebuilding is a cornerstone of Rotary’s mission and we can help during this devastating humanitarian crisis.

Please see links to Rotary International’s messages below. There are several ways you can help those affected by the violence in these difficult times.

13-Oct-2023 Message - Rotary Statement on the Conflict in Israel and Gaza

27-Oct-2023 Message - Message to the Rotary Community on the Middle East Conflict

As noted in the messages, there are Rotary and Rotaract clubs throughout the region. Please connect directly with the districts and these clubs in the region to partner on projects. In addition, consider a district grant to carry our projects or global grants, in partnership with other clubs and international partners, to pursue longer-term projects.

Members may also make an investment in peacebuilding activities by contributing funds to the Foundation’s peacebuilding projects and programs joining Rotary peace programs that advance global understanding and peacebuilding, including Rotary Action Groups, Rotary Friendship Exchanges, Intercountry Committees, and Rotary Fellowships.

Lastly, you may consider contributions to the following charities:

ShelterBox, a Rotary partner that provides shelter during disasters, is exploring the possibilities of how they can take action but does not have an active project at this time. Their statement can be found here.

At this time, the district is not aware of any Rotary clubs seeking partnerships but if you would like to be kept informed of new information, please contact DARG Chair, PDG Sandhya Maini, to be included on a mailing list.


Updated: 2023-11-06