It’s an exciting time of year – Rotary Clubs in Oxford county are once again joining together to celebrate the amazing youth in our communities through the Rotary Medalist Program.
Some of your club members might ask, “What is the Rotary Medalist program”? The Rotary Medalist program has the Oxford County Rotary Clubs come together and present an award to up to two students from each Oxford County secondary school. The students must show characteristics, abilities, and interests which would make them both worthy representatives of the school and ultimately personify the Rotary motto “Service Above Self.” Once selected, we have the students create a 2 min video about the other recipient from their school, highlighting the reasons why they were chosen. We then celebrate and present these videos on May 26th at our Virtual Awards Celebration.
Please share the date of the Medalist Awards Ceremony and the zoom link with any family or friends you would to join for the Ceremony – It is just an hour and we would enjoy as many people as you would like invite
Topic: Rotary Medalist Awards
Time: May 26, 2021 06:45 – 8:15 PM Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 85368256554?pwd= ZVBETk8vNEpJbFJjS1BXZlJtd21DQT 09
Meeting ID: 853 6825 6554 Passcode: 2021
Time: May 26, 2021 06:45 – 8:15 PM Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 6825 6554 Passcode: 2021