While the Shelburne food bank does their best to make sure that there is food for school lunches, the Rotary Club of Shelburne knows that insuring that each student starts the new school year with a backpack to carry lunches and school supplies is equally important.
Our goal was that the backpacks we supplied to students from JK to grade 12 were useful, fun, age specific and most importantly, not branded with company logos so that they looked just like the ones their peers were carrying.
Through the months of July and August we registered students and put together 92 backpacks that were over-stuffed with grade specific school supplies, water bottles and lunch kits. Families picked up their packs at the food bank just in time for back to school. Although recognition is not why we do the things we do, it was very gratifying to hear the squeals of “Aaaahhh! Mom, that’s just the one I wanted!” and “How did you know that my daughter wanted a unicorn backpack!?”
Thanks to Rotary Foundation District Grant for supporting this project. It was a pleasure to undertake and certainly did “Serve to Change Lives”.