The Literacy Project at FLRC Moving towards Digitalization

“Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope.” —Kofi Annan

To provide our club’s support to literacy program for Children and Mothers of Family Life Resource Center, We held an event on October 25th 2022.
The mothers and children were introduced to Rotary’s Four way test to implement in decision making, A small inspirational story with props was read and each one of us interacted with them for about 15 -20 minutes in small groups. The women and children were indeed receptive and happy for our interaction with them. We provided them with 100 books for all age groups. Food and drinks were arranged for all the thirty families there. 
In order to keep up with digital transformation, we need to implement digital technology. Therefore, to enhance their literacy program, expand, and upgrade their library, we promised to start with 5 kindle/kobo tablets and digital books. This will enable children and youth to identify their areas of reading and we will be able to support the reading interest by providing books that appeal to them. These technologies will help beneficiaries to better communicate, collaborate, engage, and interact with the people around them.
One of the fellow Rotarian said the following day” The impact of success is how much we have done to make someone feel better than the day gone by and that was achieved yesterday”.

Submitted by Kiran Duggal 
Rotary Club of Brampton South