Committing to Diversity Equity & Equality
We are committed to putting diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) at the core of the Rotary experience. Learn more about Rotary’s DEI statement, what DEI means, and how you can put it into practice to create positive experiences.
Rotary's Code of Conduct:
- An outline of the expectations of Rotarians and Rotaractors that will reflect Rotary International's Code of Conduct. Click this link to download a copy
Videos your club can use to start the conversation:
- Check Your Privilege - Embracing Diversity (4 min)
- Dr. Todd "BowTie" Jenkins - A thought provoking video about how you and you club might begin to explore your approach to Diversity Equity and Inclusion. (7 min)
Rotary E-Learning Center:
Below is a list of courses (with a brief description) that are accessible through the MyRotary Learning Center. You will need a MyRotary Account to login to the Rotary Learning Centre. If you do not have an account click this link to download a copy of how to create an account.
Creating an Inclusive Club
- Each of us has something unique to contribute, and we should all have the opportunity to do so. Creating a club culture that is welcoming to everyone starts with having conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion. Discussing these topics takes time and isn’t always easy. This course will help your club hold these discussions, assess its policies and practices, and make changes to create a more inclusive culture.
Diversify Your Club
- Having a diverse club allows you to better represent and serve your community. A club that includes people with different backgrounds and perspectives has a broader understanding of the community, the issues it faces, and possible solutions. Diverse clubs also attract more members, reflect Rotary’s core values, and expand our ability to make a difference. In this course, you’ll find strategies for diversifying your club and building relationships with new groups.
- Microaggressions are statements or actions that offend people or make them feel unwelcome by reinforcing negative stereotypes or asserting power dynamics, whether or not that’s intended. This course will help you understand the impact of microaggressions and learn how to respond to them in ways that uphold Rotary’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Preventing and Addressing Harassment
- Rotary strives to build a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture. Because preventing and addressing harassment are everyone's responsibility, learn how Rotary defines harassment, what you can do to prevent it, and how we handle reports that it has occurred.
Other Documents & Presentations:
- DEI Health Club Check
- DEI Compass: Reflection questions that a club might ask themselves
Diversity Readiness Rating for clubs
Microaggressions: Microaggressions are everyday snubs and insults that marginalized groups face. They are often very subtle comments or actions that come from implicit bias and/or stereotypes. For a complete list of examples click on the link.